The Bible tells us that God hates pride.
Proverbs 8.13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; I hate arrogant pride and the evil way and perverse utterances.
Not only does God hate pride and call it evil, but He says in Isaiah 13.11 that He will punish the world’s evil for their sin, and He will put an end to their pride and bring down the arrogant.
The world is uninformed about love, repentance, and obedience; and unfortunately many who claim to follow Jesus are uninformed as well, or worse yet, just don’t say anything.
So, this past month you may be asking, why all the rainbows?
Well, the Un-United States has supposedly been celebrating LGBTQ+ community and showing support to those few (compared to the whole) who identify as something or someone other than who God created them to be.
The government and schools claim that they are trying to raise awareness for these people’s ongoing struggles and equal rights. The weird thing though, is in doing so, they are making others suffer and are taking away their rights (like if you are a girl who want to excel in women’s sports.)
It may seem like there are a lot of these people, but the truth is, it is because the few voices are louder than the many silent ones. Many of these voices misrepresent Jesus and Bible, but those professing to be Christians either do not know God’s truths on these matters, or they fear men more than they fear God.
Christians should not celebrate what Bible condemns! And Christians should not tell lies just to be liked or keep their jobs. Being popular or accepted by this sinful world will not last. Calling a boy she/her is a lie!
So, as followers of Christ what should you do? Do you follow Christ or do you follow what others tell you to follow, or do you just follow what you want to do, or what is most comfortable?
We either endorse or condemn this madness, and silence often speaks louder than words.
If we are claiming to follow Christ or that we love God, we must know where Christ is leading and we must know what God loves and what He hates so that we can obey Him.
How should Christians respond to pride month?
Simply do not participate! Be willing to be made fun of because in the end your Heavenly Father has your back, rather than turning His on you. You don’t have to be mean, but you can respectfully be honest.
Don’t conform and “show acceptance” by accepting what they celebrate as a valid option or waving a flag to show your support.
What does the Bible say about being LGBTQ+? Romans 1 says that it is ungodly, unrighteous, and detestable and that these passions are dishonorable, shameless, and unnatural. It says that people who practice these lifestyles have senseless hearts, depraved minds, and are fools, and they dishonor their bodies. It says that they have exchanged the truth of God for a LIE and practice unnatural sexual relations.
And you know what? It lists envy, murder, gossips, slanderers, arrogant, and disobedient children in this list too! It says that those who practice these things deserve to die, and not only them, BUT THOSE WHO APPROVE WHAT THEY PRACTICE! (And no, I am not saying we should kill anybody.)
God, not culture, defines love and what is righteous and what is wicked. Romans 1 is quite clear, as are various passages in the old testament.
- 18.22 – You must not have sexual relations with a male as one has sexual relations with a woman. It is a detestable act.
Jesus taught us in Mark 7.20-23 that “What comes out of a person defiles him. For from within, out of the human heart, come evil ideas, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, evil, deceit, debauchery, envy, slander, pride, and folly. All these evils come from within and defile a person.”
Back in Romans 1 it tells us that the heart becomes depraved like this and evil when we exchange God’s truths for the world’s lies and choose worship things that God created, rather than God Himself. When we do not glorify God and give Him thanks, out hearts and minds become darkened.
The Bible’s definition of love does not mean accepting sin; it means pointing it out – speaking the truth in love, and love means correcting. That is why parents should not go along with the lies either.
Ephesians 6.4 tells fathers, that they should not provoke their children to anger, but they should raise them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. That is love and that is truly protecting one’s child, not carrying a hand gun!
God gives all of humanity free will, but this does not mean everybody’s choice is acceptable to Hiim.
Proverbs 16.18 tells us that pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Psalm 59.12 says that, they speak sinful words. So let them be trapped by their own pride and by the curses and lies they speak.
We see that even though we have free will to do what we want, we will PAY the CONSEQUENCES for our wrong choices; and when we are prideful we will be trapped by our sinful words.
Jesus said that anyone who hurts an innocent child, it would be better for them to have a rock tied around their neck and to be thrown into the sea. Today we see many people harming children, in little way and in big ways. Telling lies to a child deserves a big rock, as does cutting off body parts, or tearing a baby out of his mother’s womb.
Today’s culture mocks God and His words, which means we will be mocked too if we speak or stand for His words.
But Scripture says that God will not be mocked! So, if you are mocking God or His children who stand up for and speak out for His righteousness, you better look out! Jesus said to seek God’s Kingdom first, AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!
If we love people, we will share the identity that they can have in Christ, rather than encouraging them to find their identity elsewhere.
If we find our identity in Christ, then we have true and meaningful acceptance and approval. Don’t you think it matters more to be approved by the almighty God and creator of this universe who knows how many hairs are on your head and feels your pain and knows every tear that you cry, and who can bring dead people back to life, rather than seeking approval of people who don’t really care about you or your needs or pain, and all they will do is bring death to you one way or another?
The media and many schools even mock sheltering children’s innocence. Instead, they want to expose them to every kind of evil and desensitize them, making them think the shameful acts and a depraved mind is good and acceptable. They call good evil and evil good.
Genesis 1.27-28 says that God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God He created them. male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply! Fill the earth and subdue it!
God is not some transgender God. HE tells us throughout Scripture that His pronouns are HE/HIM. NOT she/her and not THEY! Jesus also told us that he had a FATHER (not a mother)!
We are told right in the beginning that God created TWO genders, male and female. God keeps it easy for us who are mathematically deficient. He is 1 and alone God, and that there are only 2 genders! All we need are 2 fingers to count the genders that God created.
God blessed the man and the woman and called it good and He told them to make babies and fill the earth. He didn’t tell them to kill babies off if they had other life plans.
He also told them to manage the earth and that the earth was given to them to use. The plants and animals were not created in God’s image and they were not put in a position to rule over humans. Humans and their needs come first and because they rule, they ought to care for this gift. They were given responsibility right away.
So, being a Christian – that is living in obedience to God and following what Jesus spoke, may bring persecution and suffering into your life. But we are told to endue suffering, not avoid it. We must not show acceptance to what God calls wickedness.
We can respectfully disagree without hating other people. We can disagree and still love.
Young people, and all people, must know simple science (along with the simple math and grammar) that males and females are born with different anatomy. Please do not accept the lies no matter how loud they shout. At a cellular level, your DNA and chromosomes cannot change with make-up or surgeries!
1 Thessalonians 5.22 – warns us to NOT associate with sin. It does not just say, don’t sin, it says don’t ASSOCIATE with sin!
Sin should be mourned, not celebrated!
Proverbs 8.13 says that The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; God hates arrogant pride and the evil way and perverse utterances.
In 1 Peter 4 (4-16) it reminds us that people will be astonished when you do not rush with them into the same flood of wickedness, and they will vilify you. But remember, they will face a reckoning before Jesus Christ who stands ready to judge the living and the dead.
For the culmination of all things is near. (Jesus us coming soon!) So be self-controlled and sober-minded
Whoever speaks, let it be with God’s words. Whoever serves, do so with the strength that God supplies, so that in everything God will be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.
Dear friends, do not be astonished that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice in the degree that you have shared in the sufferings of Christ, so that when his glory is revealed you may also rejoice and be glad. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed.
If you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but glorify God that you bear such a name.